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The DADOquartz® material is exceptionally strong, solid, non-porous, hypo-allergenic and resistant to bacterial growth, mold and mildew. To ensure it is always looking its best, it requires care and maintenance. Herewith some good practices and guidelines:

After installation, wash the item thoroughly with warm soapy water to remove any dust and marks left behind after delivery and installation.

Never expose the products to harsh chemicals such as petroleum-based products, including paint removers, oven cleaners or other solvents. Note that most personal hygiene products and cosmetics will not damage the surface.

We recommend using mild multi-purpose bathroom cleaning products:

  • Do not use highly abrasive products or cream cleaners.
  • Do not use products that contain trichloroethane or
    methylene chloride, such as paint stripper, as these may permanently damage the item.
  • Do not cut directly on the item surface.

Should you ever encounter a scratch or chip on the surface, it can easily be fixed by following the repair instructions:

  • For matte finish, first use a 220-grit wet/dry sandpaper
    followed by a 440-grit.
  • For polished finish first use an 800-grit wet/dry sandpaper followed by a 1,200-grit and then polish.
  • Apply with water and gently sand out the scratch.

Refer to our repair video for directions and assistance to repair severe chips or scratches. Upon request we will send a repair kit.

For additional technical support, please contact us.

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We recommend DADOquartz® cleaner: